Welcome, I’m Chamonix.

I help you remember who you are and why you’re here.


Shamanic Artist, Heart Whisperer & Creative Activator



Activating confidence, purpose and creative potential.

Cha Higginson is a Shamanic Healer, Transformation Mentor and Intuitive Artist who supports leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives in integrating their higher-selves and bringing their purpose-led visions to life. 

Cha uses a delicate balance of science and spirituality where mindset meets modern mysticism and energy and neuroscience work together to achieve deep transformation and sustainable harmony.

With a background in Conceptual Interior Design, Cha has extensive experience in crafting environments to optimise productivity and enhance wellbeing.

Cha’s life has been a nomadic adventure and she draws on multicultural insights from lived experiences.

Born in Cape Town, South Africa, she spent the first few years of life sailing across the Atlantic with her family, stopping in small coastal villages of Portugal, Spain and then living shortly in the UK before moving to France where she spent 20 years, mainly in the wine region of Burgundy before moving to Australia in late 2009.

Cha currently resides in Northeast Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory with her Aussie hubby, two children and rescue staffie.

This remote tropical location offers her the freedom to channel deep activating codes on sacred land where she creates with bare feet and a wide open heart.


Read chamonix’s story

I was born in Cape Town, South Africa and at the age of 2, my parents packed me and my brothers on a tiny wooden yacht and sailed us across the Atlantic. 

They told a wonderful story of adventure and passion but the truth was that they were courageously pursuing a better life just as much as they were trying to escape their pain. 

I spent my early childhood moving around Europe… from Spain to Portugal to the UK and finally landing in France. I grew up craving a sense of belonging but not quite knowing what “home” really meant. 

I clearly knew that there was more to the world than what the eyes could see, but I was also taught that “people don’t talk about these things” and although I was taught to always trust my intuition, I was never given any idea of what gifts I had or how to use them. 

 I tried so hard to just be like everyone else. 

And that, right there, is the trauma we all share, caused by trying to fit in when we were born to stand out.

I chased all the things that society promises will grants us happiness, ticked all the boxes of external validation only to realise that I still felt numb, disconnected and lonely. 

When I became a mother, everything that I believed myself to be was stripped from me. I felt like a bomb had exploded in my life, I no longer had the body, the career, the time, focus or energy to keep pretending that everything was “fine” so I did what many driven young mothers do … and started a business. 

Due to societal conditioning and my own harsh self judgement, I attached my self-worth to the success of my business. I made it work… but completely burnt out in the process.

When I hit rock bottom, I realised I had to act fast to shift my mindset, heal my heart and pull myself back into a life worth living. The truth is that, on the outside, everything looked great, but on the inside, I felt broken and deeply depressed.

I intuitively knew that there was no bypassing my trauma, I would have to lean in and do the work. I also knew that I would need to embrace simplicity, mindfulness and a deep sense of willingness. I had no other choice than to go all in … and my healing journey began. 

It was one bumpy ride. But with determined commitment, deep study and meticulous practice, I learned to excavate my suffering, transformed my inner world and watched as my outer reality shifted as a consequence. 

Here’s what I have observed time and time again:

Your purpose lies beneath your pain. If you can have the courage to face that thing that makes you most vulnerable, that is where you start digging, that is where you will find your gold.

For me, it was always ART that lit up my soul and that my heart yearned for … but I got lost in trying to save everyone else before giving myself permission to become my own priority…

My background and training includes Conceptual Interior Design, Psychology of Space, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology, Time line therapy, Breathwork, Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy… and more! 

But the bottom line and greatest revelation for me was that the results I obtained with my clients had much more to do with my innate gifts than any modality I had learned…. the more I aligned with my own truth, the more powerful I became.

I believe that my intuitive abilities and skillset are a culmination of lifetimes of practice, dedication and connection with the Spirit world across many cultures and lands. Over time, I have learned to trust that those who are called to seek my services will intuitively know and feel that they were guided to me for a reason. But what I am here to do, is simply be myself and channel creations into the world as this is what lights me up and has the power to ignite others…

I am a Shamanic Healer, Channel and Intuitive Artist with a deep understanding of the intricacies of the Mind and a Heart that is driven to embrace the flow and create without attachment to the outcome.


My truest heart’s desire is to change the world we live in… but I can’t do that alone. 

I am here to help others step into the fullness of their own expression. 

I do my thing so that you can go do yours, free of fear, doubt and limitations.

If you have a big vision for your life and heart-driven goals for your organisation, but feel that something is holding you back, I can help.

Let’s get you out of your own way and on purpose!