How and why to ground your energy to ream the physical and spiritual benefits

What is grounding, how does it work and why you must do it!

IIn the realm of wellness, "grounding" has emerged as a popular yet ambiguous term that frequently demands clarification. Most weeks, I find myself explaining this practice… even to more advanced students!

So, in this blog post, I aim to delve deeply into the concept of grounding, explaining its essence, mechanics, advantages, and practical ways to integrate this practice into your daily life.

It’s a game-changer if you are new to the practice (and a beautiful reminder for those of us who know all the things but still get swept up in the collective madness! ;)

What is grounding?

Grounding in therapy refers to a set of techniques used to help individuals, particularly those experiencing overwhelming emotions, trauma, anxiety, dissociation, or distressing thoughts, to stay connected to the present moment and reality. It aims to bring individuals back to a state of calmness, stability, and safety.

Here’s how grounding works:

The interaction between the human body and the Earth's surface involves a fascinating exchange of electrons, forming the basis of grounding. Picture the Earth as a vast reservoir of electrons, carrying a negative electrical charge. When we connect directly with the Earth, such as by walking barefoot on soil, grass, or sand, this contact allows for a transfer of these abundant free electrons onto our bodies.

This exchange occurs due to the difference in electrical potential between the Earth and our bodies. As our feet or skin touch the Earth's surface, electrons flow from the Earth to us. These electrons, often referred to as nature's antioxidants, possess the ability to neutralize positively charged free radicals within our bodies.

This transfer of electrons acts as a kind of energetic recalibration.

In a world where we're constantly exposed to various sources of positive charge such as electromagnetic fields from electronic devices, grounding offers a way to restore balance. By absorbing these free electrons from the Earth, our bodies can counterbalance the potentially harmful positive charge, thereby reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and contributing to overall well-being.

Essentially, this simple act of physical connection with the Earth allows us to tap into its inherent negative electrical potential, facilitating a harmonious exchange that can positively influence our health and vitality.

Grounding our energy has many physical and spiritual benefits.

Mechanisms of Grounding for the Body:

  1. Electron Transfer:

    When you walk barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, electrons from the Earth move into your body. These electrons act as antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals (which can cause inflammation and damage cells) in the body.

  2. Balancing the Body's Electrical Systems:

    Our bodies operate using electrical impulses. Grounding helps balance and stabilize these systems by allowing excess positive electrons to flow into the Earth, effectively neutralizing any buildup of positive charge.

  3. Reducing Inflammation:

    Inflammation is often linked to various health issues. Grounding may help reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals and decreasing oxidative stress in the body.

  4. Regulating Circadian Rhythms:

    Exposure to natural light and grounding can help regulate the body's internal clock (circadian rhythm), promoting better sleep patterns and overall well-being.

  5. Calming the Nervous System:

    Grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot or spending time outdoors, can help calm the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight-or-flight response) and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing relaxation and reducing stress.

  6. Improving Blood Flow:

    Some studies suggest that grounding can improve blood flow and circulation by reducing blood viscosity and enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells.

the Spiritual benefits of Grounding

  1. Energetic Balance:

    Grounding facilitates the flow of energy between an individual and the Earth, helping to balance and stabilize spiritual energies within the body.

  2. Centering and Presence:

    It aids in staying present and centred, allowing for better focus during spiritual practices like meditation or mindfulness.

  3. Emotional Stability:

    Grounding can assist in emotional regulation and stability, helping individuals feel more anchored and less affected by external influences.

  4. Connection to Nature:

    Grounding helps foster a deeper connection with nature, promoting a sense of harmony and interconnectedness with all living things.

  5. Connection to Self

    Grounding is essential in accessing our inner wisdom and truth, the process of grounding is a pre-requisite to receive intuitive insight and trusting our innate knowing.

Overall, grounding serves as a foundational practice for both physical health and spiritual growth, promoting balance, stability, and a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. This connection and balance gives us meaning and access to an inner well of serenity that we tend to seek through external sources… but ultimately can only truly be found within.

So now you know why grounding matters so much … but you may still be asking hoooow to do it effectively?

Well I have a few resources for you to explore here:

FREE meditation:

Grounding “I am safe” meditation hand weights:


Calm + Connected, a 4 week journey to get out of your head and into your heart by using practical mindfulness tools and techniques.

Calm + Connected
One time

4 week course to get out of your head and into your heart

Cha Higginson